Keeping your employees safe through Managed Workplace Services that eliminate the need for touch
September: A Month of Change and Positivity
21 August 2020
Apogee is transforming the way schools operate through digital transformation
How Effective Print Management Can Help Schools Regain Control of Their Print Environment
8 September 2020
Keeping your employees safe through Managed Workplace Services that eliminate the need for touch
September: A Month of Change and Positivity
21 August 2020
Apogee is transforming the way schools operate through digital transformation
How Effective Print Management Can Help Schools Regain Control of Their Print Environment
8 September 2020

Helping Schools Transform The Way They Manage Data

For teachers, the task of managing data can sometimes be unnecessary and time consuming with 73% of teachers in primary schools and 75% in secondary schools suggesting they spend too much time on how they manage data [i].


Apogee can provide schools with the tools and specialist expertise to tackle poor data management and meet the joint challenges they face of escalating information volumes and legislation. The core methodologies which Apogee can introduce to help schools develop how they manage data, including document scanning and data capture, output and workflow process assessment and data analysis and review.

Document scanning and data capture

With the latest best-of-breed technology, all documents can be scanned and captured in high quality. A scanning process is perfect for schools due to their large volume of documents, including student records. Documents and data can then be electronically stored and include processing systems to make it even easier for schools to gain access to this information. Barcodes added to documents ensure they can be analysed, remediated and managed effectively, while the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) enables the school to extract specific details through word searches.

Output and workflow process assessment

Another effective way for schools to manage data management is through assessing the strengths and weaknesses within the current infrastructure and processes. This will determine where the establishment can reduce certain documents being produced and highlight areas where improvements can be made.

For more information, contact us using the form below:


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