PrintReleaf is the world’s first platform that automatically converts your paper footprint into actual trees. As you print, you actively replant trees in forests that need it most around the world.
What is PrintReleaf?
PrintReleaf is the world’s first platform that automatically converts your paper footprint into actual trees. As you print, you actively replant trees in forests that need it most around the world.
This new initiative will empower your company to restore forests based on your paper footprint. The reforestation projects you releaf are up to you! PrintReleaf provides certificates and reports about the forests you have releafed over time.
We are proud to be a part of the Trillion Trees Movement and contribute to a decade-long journey to restore one trillion trees in forests that need it most around the world. Scientists estimate that nature-based solutions, such as reforestation, can provide up to 1/3 of the emissions reductions required by 2030 to meet the Paris Agreement targets.
PrintReleaf Certification empowers you to sustain and grow our global forest system... one print job at a time.
Our Commitment
Apogee is committed to continually finding ways to support a more sustainable planet and are pleased to offer our clients an automated sustainability program focussed on reforestation through PrintReleaf.
With a rapidly changing environment, new challenges are being faced and Apogee is extremely proud of being a contributor to the PrintReleaf reforesting initiative.
How ARMA Can Help
We combine ARMA (Apogee Remote Management Application) technology to accurately measure your paper consumption which integrates with the PrintReleaf platform to provide a live dashboard of your reforestation. The dashboard will calculate the paper volume, weight, and size data to help demonstrate your contribution.
How it Works
PrintReleaf measures your paper footprint based on your cumulative printing. The technology automatically measures your paper footprint through device and fleet data collected by print management software on the print devices.
Then, your paper consumption totals calculate your paper footprint, which is converted into a specific and accurate number of trees through network certified reforestation projects located around the world. Once trees are planted, PrintReleaf administers an 8-year audit process to track the progress and survivability of the trees.

Ready to make an impact?
Complete the form to get started with PrintReleaf.