Alpha Bank London Ltd

Apogee's innovative solution has ensured that all documents within Alpha Bank remain fully secure and the organisation comply with the new print policy introduced by SWIFT.


The Background

Alpha Bank London Ltd had an existing print management solution with Apogee, installed on all 30 multi-functional devices (MFDs) providing effective print control. Alpha Bank have a strong relationship and reliance on SWIFT, the world’s leading provider of secure financial messaging services. This service is invaluable to the bank and when new security requirements arose, heightened by GDPR, Alpha Bank had to immediately conform to these changes.

With SWIFT, print jobs would be sent directly to an IP Address, bypassing the print control solution so documents would be printed straight away - raising security concerns. To avoid the need of locking printers in a room, Alpha Bank approached Apogee to find a solution that would integrate with their existing print management software.


The Solution

Apogee's Professional Services team listened to the security concerns and proposed a solution - an automated data capture software was integrated within their existing infrastructure to ensure all devices were fully secure and compliant.

Essentially, the print management software intercepts the print job when they are first received and identifies what department the document should be routed to. The appropriate users are then notified of the document waiting in their 'follow me' print queue and then they can release the print jobs securely using access cards on any device connected to the network.

This solution ensures that prints around the organisation are controlled through their entire lifecycle.


The Outcome

Apogee's innovative solution has ensured that all documents within Alpha Bank remain fully secure and the organisation comply with the new print policy introduced by SWIFT. The software implemented on all devices has removed the necessity for Alpha Bank to have MFDs located in a locked, controlled room. With training from Apogee experts, staff at Alpha Bank were fully informed on how to utilise the functionality of the devices and software. The solution has not only increased data and document security but also enhanced the way the bank operates.


  • Compliance with SWIFT regulations
  • Increased security through capturing and analysing documents
  • User authentication ensures critical documents aren’t left uncollected
  • Greater visibility on all printing activity
  • Reporting capabilities to improve cost control and transparency
  • Reduced burden on the IT department
  • MFDs previously located in access control rooms are redeployed


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