Digital Workplace Services

24 October 2017

Is the healthcare industry ready for digital transformation?

Whilst this is a potentially exciting time for healthcare providers, it is also a challenging one – the ability to adopt new systems and processes is limited by a need to keep costs low.
12 October 2017

Apogee Showcase Public Sector Document Capabilities at Procurex Scotland

Apogee will be on hand to showcase their unrivalled document capabilities and expertise, with public sector specialists present to demonstrate how organisations can take full advantage of digital transformation strategies to optimise their performance.
21 September 2017

Digital Transformation By Leveraging Print Production, Hybrid Mail and BPO

Learning how to get the right balance is crucial in order to establish efficient and commercially attractive business processes.
19 September 2017

All Industries Can Create Competitive Advantages Through Optimising Print And Document Technology

Introducing document digitisation, supported by accessible cloud-based systems, is one way in which organisations can make huge strides in speed and efficiency, as well as support a more mobile workforce.
24 August 2017

4 Steps to Reduce the Office Space You Need

By digitalising mail ‘at the letterbox’, this can prevent the influx of paper into your organisation and start you on your journey to a more streamlined, digital approach to document management.
1 August 2017

Developing data and records management policies for GDPR Compliance

Records and information management (RIM) is the systematic control of all records, regardless of media, from their creation or receipt, through their processing, distribution, organisation, storage, and retrieval to their disposition.
28 July 2017

Apogee Sponsor the One Council Award at the Luton Excellence Awards

Over 300 employees from across the authority attended a Carnival-themed gala event at Venue 360 with Awards made in 12 categories recognising outstanding commitment to serving the people of Luton.