Digital Workplace Services

12 September 2023

Five ways small legal firms are building their reputations for 2024

Many legal practices are discovering new ways to build strong reputations for diligence, efficiency, and reliability with their clients. Which begs the question: how can your firm elevate the client experience?
28 June 2023

40% of workers ready to walk out due to inability to digitally collaborate with colleagues

One-in-five HR directors struggle to meet flexibility demands across hybrid work environments, leading to a disconnect between employees and management.
28 June 2023

39% of public sector employees frustrated with lack of tech are considering leaving their jobs

Poor collaborative digital tools are harming productivity and engagement for nearly half of workers, fuelling a divide between employees and employers.
28 June 2023

One in three employees blame lack of reliable tech for poor productivity

Despite a shortfall in the right workplace tools, over a quarter of CIOs believe home distractions are at fault for insufficient worker output.
28 June 2023

Employers and employees are more disconnected than ever. Here are four reasons why

The days of purely office-bound work five days a week are long gone for modern remote and hybrid workforces. Yet today, employers and their employees are not only separated by physical distance, but by other factors as well.
20 October 2022

Information Management – The Perfect Companion to Microsoft SharePoint

According to Microsoft, SharePoint is currently used by over 200,000 organisations worldwide – but like any tool, knowing how to use it is half the battle.
30 August 2022

Three Benefits of Managed Print Services (MPS) for the Public Sector

Discover the three benefits of Managed IT Services (MITS) for the Public Sector, delivered through a trusted Managed Workplace Service (MWS) provider.
24 August 2022

Apogee present The Future of the Workplace at Edgbaston Stadium

On 17th August 2022, Apogee clients and prospects attended Edgbaston Stadium for an event to explore how digital transformation will define the future of the workplace.
11 May 2022

Apogee Launches AutoMail, Delivering a Cost-Efficient Answer to Sending Business Mail

Apogee has introduced AutoMail, a ‘desktop to doorstep’ solution that enables you to send business mail direct from your PC or laptop.