Fully converting to a digital Document Managemetn system can be a daunting prospect for some businesses. Hybrid records management allows you to transition more slowly, whilst reaping the benefits of both digital and physical systems.
A simple switch from paper forms to eForms instantly creates savings on your paper usage and office space - but this is only the beginning in terms of benefits.
Operational inefficiencies multiply the more that documents are needlessly duplicated by employees - which is why a Document Management system is so important, especially when workforces are spread over multiple sites.
An EDMS, also known as a Document Management system, allows your hybrid workers to securely access the information they need from wherever they happen to be working at the time - but without sacrificing data protection measures in the process.
Ensuring that your employees have access to the information they need, when they need it, is no small task - but it is streamlined immensely through a Digital Mailroom service.
Constantly-changing data compliance regulations can be hard to keep on top of for HR departments - but storing physical HR documenation indefinitely can create a wealth of problems for data security. Here's how Document Management can help.