5 October 2017
7 September 2017
Whether travelling for business or leisure, guests expect to be provided with everything they would typically have at home. Printing can be an essential element of travelling, with guests needing to print anything from theme park tickets to presentation notes, for example.
1 August 2017
Records and information management (RIM) is the systematic control of all records, regardless of media, from their creation or receipt, through their processing, distribution, organisation, storage, and retrieval to their disposition.
25 July 2017
Apogee works with organisations to develop a tailored strategy for GDPR compliance based on their current data management and processes, and future data activities.
8 July 2017
All organisations now have a legal obligation to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It is therefore important to understand what it involves, and how you can prevent any future damage.
13 June 2017
Multi-function devices (MFDs) are starting to strongly resemble your PC, containing internet, e-mail, and network access.