
19 January 2018

In need of a secure and reliable print and document outsource partner?

Managed Services is the practice of outsourcing the management responsibilities and functions of an area of expertise to establish a strategic method for improving operations and cutting expenses.
16 January 2018

Customer Training Insight at Europe’s Largest Independent Provider of Document Technology

Frequently, organisations cite change management and training as a top consideration when investing in new print and document technology.
7 December 2017

Next week: Thinking and Working Differently at NHS Procurement Conference 2017

Apogee will be on stage at the conference to discuss the challenges and opportunities that procurement professionals and NHS face and to demonstrate their unrivalled document capabilities.
30 November 2017

Second Seminar Discusses GDPR Next Steps and eDisclosure Technology

When dealing with litigation or investigation matters, the use of sophisticated electronic searching and review platforms is recognised as being critical, with more ‘analytics’ options helping lawyers get to the crux of the matter in the most cost-effective way.
21 November 2017

Apogee On Stage at NHS Procurement Conference 2017 To Discuss Future Challenges and Opportunities

Salford Professional Development’s second annual NHS Procurement Conference 2017 will focus on thinking and working differently to transform NHS procurement.
17 November 2017

Apogee Get Baking for Children in Need

Apogee staff ‘rose’ to the challenge and baked a ‘mixture’ of cakes. The ‘well-kneaded’ selection of cakes, cup cakes, scones, cookies, biscuits and other treats were brought in and donations taken to help Children in Need.